Gender (Fluid) is the gray area between "boy" and "girl", something third, maybe even fourth and fifth ...
Gender (Fluid) is when you are seven years old and you want to try Mother's scarf, but your grandfather says these are "female things" ...
Gender (Fluid) is when instead of skirts, you prefer to wear trousers (even in the summer) and your friends say you are acting "male" ...
Gender (Fluid) is when you do not want to give birth, but your mother always insists and asks when she will have grandchildren ...
Gender (Fluid) is where you like to wear maskara, hairspray and makeup (but in the evening so no one will see you) ...
Gender (Fluid) is when you do not love football and your classmates play it during school recess ...
Gender (Fluid) is when someone tells you "Act like a real man!" Or "This isn't appropriate for a woman!" ...
But, after all, who can say what is appropriate for a man and a woman?
Or for an anti-man and an anti-woman?
Who sets the norm?
And what about those who completely fall out of the binary matrix?
Do not worry. For these and many other questions, we have no answers. But we certainly have many more questions.
Gender (Fluid) is theatrical music or musical theatre: a series of entertaining actions with seven subjects aimed at exploring the theme of gender and gender roles through improvisation.
Behind Gender (Fluid) are The Strawberry Finns: Angelica Nightingale, Konstantin Kuchev, Alexander Evtimov-Shamancheto.
BUY A TICKET →Tickets are also sold every working day between 9:00 and 21:00 at The Red House desk on 15 L. Karavelov Str., Sofia 1142.
Reservations: You can book a seat every working day by calling 02/988 8188, 0885 828 532 or e-mailing
[email protected]. Reservations are valid up to 15 minutes before the start of the event.